Life on the Street
The Growing Crisis of Stray Dogs in Our Country Any dog lover, or any human with normal emotions, feels their heart drop and their [...]
The Gift of Forever
Why a Rescue Dog is the Best Possible Pet October isn’t all about scary stuff and Halloween fun… in fact, October is Adopt-a-Dog & [...]
I’m Not Fat… I’m Just Big Boned
The Truth About Obesity and Your Pet The second Wednesday in the month of October has been deemed “Pet Obesity Awareness Week”. In this [...]
Do You Hear What I Hear?
How to Care for and Cope with a Deaf Dog Each year, the last week in September is designated as National Deaf Dog Awareness [...]
It’s Always Harder for Those Left Behind
Coping with the Loss of Your Best Fur Friend When one adds a pet to the household, in the vast majority of cases you [...]
Patient Spotlight Stormi
This month’s recognition goes to Stormi. Stormi came in with bloody stool and had recently been spayed. Her surgery site was inflamed, with the [...]