‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through Our Place
Was nary a person, without a smile on their face;
The tree had been trimmed, the stockings laid out,
They knew St. Nick would stop in, without doubt ;
The patients, all treated, made a hasty withdrawal;
They needed to get home to meet Santa, after all;
So there they all stood, this caring, valiant crew;
And they smiled as the little dog and his red ball caught their view;
When out from the parking lot a loud noise arose,
What would make that sort of racket they did suppose;
Away to the front door they ran in a dash,
They unlocked the door, and opened it in a flash;
The moon on the pavement made a white powder glow,
Could it be that winter has come to San Diego?
And to their amazement did, their eyes did detect,
A fat man in red, 8 deer, and a sleigh in a wreck;
The little bearded old man was fit to be tied,
He asked the crew if he could come inside;
As he walked in the place it all became clear,
Santa had crashed on landing his sleigh right out here:
“Now, Dasher is fine, Vixen and Donner too,
Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Blitzen, all came through.”
To the staff amazement, they watched three tiny elves,
Carry poor Rudolph in the front door themselves;
He had taken a hit from a large bird in the night,
He was unable to continue, for he couldn’t fly right;
Santa looked up from his long worried stare,
“I hear in this place lies the very best care,
And I need your kind touch, your best healing power,
For, to make it round the world, we must fly out in one hour!”
The team did not dawdle, but went straight to the task,
For they had just 60 minutes to complete what Santa had asked:
They were all dressed in scrubs, this Best Care Team,
And they worked faster than the glimmer of a shiny moonbeam;
St. Nick watched them work from a window outside,
At the first sight of blood he hid his kind eyes;
The team took Rudy’s vitals, they checked him up and down,
When finished, they met with Santa to discuss what they found,
“he suffered a contusion on his front leg from his crash with the bird,”
The old elf listened intently to each single word,
“but nothing is broken or missing… he appears to be fine,
In fact, when we asked him, he made his red nose shine,”
They watched as the worry washed from Santa’s old wrinkled face,
He smiled and he laughed and he said a fine grace;
Then he danced a quick jig, and he clicked up his heels,
If he wasn’t so round, he might have done cartwheels;
“Santa” they said, “you have nothing to fear,
We can stitch up his leg, then get you all out of here.”
St. Nick paused for a moment; then turned with a jerk,
“Thank you all for helping, and for your fine work,
For you see, without you and your Urgent Care,
I would never had made it through the night, and arrived everywhere;”
With Rudolph ready to fly and an upright sleigh,
The Elf and his coursers took to flying away;
But they heard him exclaim, from midflight in the air—
“Freddie was right, it IS the Best Care Anywhere!”
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