Celebrating National Kitten Day!
July 10th is National Kitten Day. In a world of 600 million to a billion cats roaming around, 38% of them are considered kittens (5 months old or younger). 82% of shelter kittens are adopted by pet parents. That is a much higher rate than adult cats, who only average about a 43% adoption rate. It seems like most everyone loves a kitten! And why wouldn’t you? Kittens are cute, cuddly, fuzzy, very fragile, playful, pocket sized, full of fun, and haven’t yet developed the stubborn and aloof nature of an adult cat. Kittens pull at the heartstrings and unknowingly beg to be taken care of by willing (or unwilling) humans.
Did you know that…
When it comes to care, a kitten is a much easier starting pet than a puppy due to their independence and low maintenance…
There will never be someone knocking on your apartment door because of an annoying cat barking at all hours of the night and day. A puppy will watch a mouse rob your home blind, maybe even help the mouse with its crime spree. A kitten’s natural curiosity and predator nature will send that mouse packing. Kittens love to be loved, are famous for cuddling, and fit in one hand, or under your chin. A puppy flops and rolls and bites and runs… then passes out to recharge that energy cell, just so they can start again. Kittens “do their business” in a box, and then learn to cover it up. Puppies do their business where they are at that moment, until you train them to go outside… and even after that training they have accidents. Kittens grow up to be older versions of their kitty selves, and are even easier to care for, as they are self starters, often loaners, and very independent. A kitten brings their intention to have affection to you, on their terms… a puppy never doesn’t want to be with you, have affection, and be at the center of it all.
So What’s Involved in Raising a Kitten?
Universally, kittens expect less, and cost much less than a puppy. You don’ have to buy special beds, cages, cats don’t normally wear any clothing, and their toys can be feathers or string. Kitty’s are smaller and eat less, and less often than their canine counterparts. A kitten startup is a pretty simple thing and their asks are fairly minimal…
Is it a lot of work? Sure, to raise a kitten right is signing up for a full time job. It’s a living creature with needs, wants, desires, emotions, and actions. If you simply follow the motto, “Be the Person my Cat Thinks I Am” then you’ll be the parent you cat needs. Don’t expect the kitten to stay that way for long, so be ready to love the cat they will become… and know that the work you’ve put in to love, respect, teach, and raise the kitten will pay off when the baby teeth fall out and the “fur ball” becomes the Top Cat.
Regardless if you adopt a new kitten, find an adult cat that needs a stable and loving home, or if you’re already raising a feline of your own, take a moment to celebrate National Kitten Day with the “4 Paws and a Fuzzy Face” that you love.
That’s all for this weeks Dog Blog, with a Cat Twist! Just a reminder that we are in the midst of the hottest summer on record (in some areas of the nation) and the heat and humidity is just that much worse on someone wearing a full time fur coat. Be sure your pets are safe, cool, watered, fed, and kept indoors during the hours of 10am to 4pm, when the suns rays are at their most harsh. Exercise at home, or take them to a pet store or pet friendly retailer to get some socialization and to stretch their legs. They can’t speak to you when they are to hot, so look for the signs of heat stroke or overheating. Remember, inside of a car temperatures can rise to 120 degrees in minutes if the windows are up and the A/C is off. Pavement, sidewalks, blacktop, concrete, sand, and even dirt pavement can burn pads and cause blistering. THINK before you venture out with your fur kids!
Till we meet again next week, from our pack to yours… have some fun, spend time with those you love, think happy thoughts, see the world through your dogs eyes, smell every flower and blade of grass as if it was the first you’ve seen, and always be Pet Friendly! #FreddieSez!
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